Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Another One!

The same day I got the phone call about my readers theater manuscript, I sent another proposal to another publisher. Three days later, that editor e-mailed me to say she liked it and wanted to see the complete manuscript. So now to finish writing that one! I told her I'd get it to her in 30 days. It's a book of devotions on praise for ages 8-12. It's going to be a busy month.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Phone Call From an Editor!

I almost didn't answer it.

It's been a long week checking off the completed or half-completed items on my monster to-do list. Washing clothes, finishing a proposal (sent it off this morning), scheduling appointments for the new school year, plowing my way through homework for an upcoming writer's workshop. So mid afternoon, I lay/laid (always have to look that up) down on the couch. I had just slipped into a peaceful doze when my cell phone rang. It wasn't by the sofa. It was out in the office. Did I really want to get up and race out there? I hesitated and then pulled myself out of the comfy spot I'd made between all the pillows and ran after it.

Good thing! It was an editor at a house I sent a proposal to less than a month ago. I wasn't thinking about hearing anything from her for at least 3-6 months. She wanted the files in a Word format so that she could present it to her team in a couple of weeks!

I have a drawer full of rejection notices. I steel myself not to be surprised when I open the self-addressed stamped envelope and find some version of thanks, but no thanks. I did get one last week that said, "Cute, but not what we seek. Good luck elsewhere." If you're a writer, you know that's worth a small celebration!

But a phone call is BIG! And her comment was "It's a good proposal." Yippee!!

Now I just cross my fingers and wait.

And if they say yes, then I have to actually write the rest of the book!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Back to the Real World

I did finally vacation! We had a marvelous time with my absolutely beautiful, incredibly smart, wonderfully talented grand children! Do I sound just a little bit biased?

They are such sweeties! Joshua is almost 7. We went to the library and I taught him to use the online catalog and find books on the shelves. What fun! David is almost 2 and swims like a fish. Anna is 4 and loves a good story and green popsicles! Joseph is 4 months and just starting to laugh at the antics of his sister and brothers.

On the way home from the NC mountains (after and conference and grandbabies, I needed another vacation), we stopped at the Atlanta airport where the Wisconsin grandbaby and mom had a layover on their way home from a reunion. Aaron is almost 2 and loved running through the airport.

So we managed to see them all in the space of about a week! Good trip.

Now I'm working my way through a giant to do list and trying to get back to normal.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Almost Vacation

No more meetings!

Blue sky, palm trees and a hot tub.

Quiet dinner.

Paddle wheel boat ride across the bay.

Fireworks and a full moon over San Diego.

Tomorrow, airports, airplanes, and grand kids.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

It's Not Vacation Yet

At least not for me! While my hubby has been wandering the streets of San Diego, figuring out the transportation system, and rummaging through antique stores, I've been listening to publisher presentations on the newest books for fall 2009.

It is a lovely setting. We're on the narrow peninsula that runs between the Pacific Ocean and the San Diego Bay. Flowering succulents line the walks on the hotel grounds, eighteen-inch goldfish stick their gaping mouths out of the water when you approach the stream that separates the multiple hotel structures, baby ducks follow their mamas around the sidewalks, and five parrots flirt with the ladies who leave the lobby. "Hey, baby!" is at the top of the chatter, along with "Here, Kitty Kitty!" and "You're a dweeb, dweeb, dweeb!"

I did get to ride a very bright orange bike along the bay today. It was a nice break from meetings.