Monday, April 30, 2007


There is now a floor for the second story. Cliff couldn't convince me to climb the ladder and look out over the back yard. It's a very long way down.

It's not dried in yet, but it's starting to looked closed in.

Friday, April 27, 2007

It's Raining!

Not pouring, thank goodness. Just a soft drizzle that left about an inch of water in the basement.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007


It's definitely more serious than a dental procedure. It looks like the house has been completely decapitated.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Roof Canal

The house next door is having its roof removed. Sounds like a dental procedure, huh? Looks a bit like one too. The big gaping cavity opening up as one board at a time is pounded out of its place.

The bugman came today. He said, "I don't think I've ever seen it take so long to build a house. Everytime I come over here, it looks like they've taken something else off." I didn't enlighten him on the project as my husband probably would have done.

Bare Roof

The roofing is gone. I watched them scrape it off with shovels. It took two days. I would hate to think I had to shovel anything for that long. The dumpster is empty now and the yard is cleaned up. Ready for the next step.

Once the roofing came off, we discovered the roof itself is tongue and groove number one pine. Amazing. Put down with 16 penny nails. If you don't know what that is, it's about the biggest nail you can get. It's going to be hard to get off.


As you can see, Blanchard and Pancake have been working hard. New studs mark where the new walls will be placed. Some of the old walls are still standing, so it can be a bit confusing when you're trying to sort out where one room ends and the other begins.

Mom and Dad came by to look at it on Saturday. We agreed to delete the half bathroom that sits just off the great room area. When we stood in the pantry area (the smallish square at the window in the above picture), we realized there was no way a freezer was going in this room and still allow space for anything else. So now there will be a larger pantry. If you're visiting and need to use the facilities, you'll just have to walk through the guest bedroom.


Last week, two carpenters, Blanchard and Pancake, began bringing some structure back to the house next door. It now has outside walls again.

Cliff makes sure it stays clean inside and out. It's an emotional boost to the workers, he says. They see you keep it neat and they take more pride in what they're doing also.

Saturday, April 7, 2007


Tomorrow is Easter. April is also National Poetry month. In celebration of both, I thought I would share one of my favorite poems by Amy Carmichael, a missionary to India at the turn of the twentieth century. Her love for India and her devotion to the homeless children there changed lives forever.

Thy John

As John upon his dear Lord's breast,
So would I lean, so would I rest;
As empty shell in depths of sea,
So would I sink, be filled with Thee.

As water-lily in her pool
Through long, hot hours is still and cool,
A thought of peace, so I would be
Thy water-flower, Lord, close by Thee.

As singing bird in high, blue air,
So would I soar, and sing Thee there;
Nor rain, nor stormy wind can be
When all the air is full of Thee.

And so though daily duties crowd,
And dust of earth, be like a cloud,
Through noise of words, O Lord, my Rest,
Thy John would lean upon Thy breast.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Playing hooky

Cliff played hooky from church today. He didn't go last week either. He said this is the first time in over twenty years that he hasn't had responsibility for something on Sunday. He needed some time to chill. So what did he do? Pulled nails out of boards, stacked wood, blew the floors clean with the leaf blower. What else?