My son is a volunteer firefighter in Wisconsin. The fire crew may be seeing some action tonight. My husband was reading the sports section this morning. It seems the entire state of Wisconsin is ready to burn all their Brett Favre paraphenalia. Favre played his entire football career with the Green Bay Packers and retired a hero. Then he had a change of heart and tried to get back into the game. When Green Bay didn't rehire him, he moseyed across the state line and joined the Minnesota Vikings, Green Bay's most bitter rivals. Now, they're planning to burn his jersey. Firefighters will be on standby tonight when the flames of Monday night football rise to a new height.
Speaking of fires. I

was talking with a media specialist last week, when the pre-K teacher walked into the library. "Aren't you looking for fire safety books?" the media specialist asked. "Take a look at this one. What do you think?"
The teacher flipped through the pages of
Fire Safety in Action from Capstone Publishers. "Yes, this is perfect," she said and commenced to sell the book for me. "Even the photos show kids the right age."
You have to be really specific with pre-K students. You have to tell them exactly what to do if they smell smoke or if a fire alarm goes off. This set of fire safety books does just that. Simple, but clear directions explain how to get out safely if there's a fire.
Titles in the set by author Mari Schuh:
Fire Safety in Action
Fire Stations in Action
Fire Trucks in Action
Fire Boats in ActionAR levels aren't assigned yet, but the books are written for emergent readers.
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