I'm drooling over my perennial flower catalog, reading old gardening magazines, and wishing I could plant something. I'm not very good at indoor gardening, so I'm waiting impatiently for the temperatures to rise and the ground to warm up.
If you're interested in gardening books for kids, here are some good ones. They are Robbie Readers from Mitchell Lane Publishing. The set had good reviews by both School Library Journal and Booklist. Various authors. AR levels are from 5.2 to 5.7.

The set includes these titles:
A Backyard Flower Garden for Kids
A Backyard Vegetable Garden for Kids
Design Your Own Butterfly Garden
Design Your Own Pond and Water Garden
A Kid's Guide to Container Gardening
A Kid's Guide to Landscape Design
A Kid's Guide to Making a Terrarium
A Kid's Guide to Perennial Gardens
Organic Gardening for Kids
Titles include:
All Kinds of Gardens
Animals in the Garden
Growing a Garden
Tools for the Garden
AR levels are unavailable yet, but they are Pebble books, so reading levels will be low.
Thanks for the little blast of spring goodness... man, I sure am looking forward to forsythia and redbuds.... come ON, spring, get here already!