Friday, July 16, 2010

Two Voices in a Meadow

It's Poetry Friday. I love searching through my favorite poems for gems to share here. As I browsed through my copy of Richard Wilbur, I came across this poem that captures the two emotional extremes that we can so easily drift toward as writers. I don't know what Wilbur was thinking about as he wrote it, but it struck me today as a perfect picture of the struggle we face learning to keep a balanced perspective of ourselves.

"Two Voices in a Meadow"
by Richard Wilbur

A Milkweed

Anonymous as cherub
Over the crib of God,
White seeds are floating
Out of my bust pod.

What power had I
Before I learned to yield?
Shatter me, great wind:
I shall possess the field.

A Stone

As casual as cow-dung
Under the crib of God,
I lie where chance would have me,
Up to the ears in sod.
Why should I move? To move
Befits a light desire.
The sill of Heaven would founder,
Did such as I aspire.

Wishing you milkweed dreams and rock solid goals this week.

Poetry Friday roundup is hosted by Heidi at My Juicy Little Universe.


  1. You're right. Sometimes I'm up for the shattering, and other times I'm at my best when I'm completely still.

  2. I think we need a little of both just as stimulating the right brain helps develop the left brain.

    Laura Evans

  3. Mary Lee, I agree. I'm the same way. Stillness is often a good mode for me to operate in. And too, there is great beauty in brokenness offered with grace.

    Laura, That's a good comparison, one works to stimulate the other.

    Thanks for stopping by.

  4. What an interesting pairing these make. I'm wondering about "crib of G-d" in both poems.

  5. I think of earth as the "crib of God," the place where life begins and grows for us as people and for all of nature. I know there's more out there in the universe besides Earth, but as mere mortals, this is where we find ourselves planted and nurtured. Just my take.

  6. Toby, Personally, I like the milkeweed, too.

  7. Love these both. And was unfamiliar with them. Thanks for sharing! The milkweed resonates with me, but I'd like a little stone time right now, too:>)
