Friday, December 9, 2011

Poetry Friday: Lord Alfred Tennyson

It's been a gray week around here. Aside from the cold and the rain, I spent hours with my father gathering all the necessary documents for financial assistance for my mother in the nursing home. Tennyson's lines match my state of mind today. 

From "In Memoriam"
Lord Alfred Tennyson

To-night the winds begin to rise
And roar from yonder dropping day:
The last red leaf is whirl'd away,
The rooks are blown about the skies;

The forest crack'd, the waters curl'd,
The cattle huddled on the lea;
And wildly dash'd on tower and tree
The sunbeam strikes along the world:

And but for fancies, which aver
That all thy motions gently pass
Athwart a plane of molten glass,
I scarce could brook the strain and stir

That makes the barren branches loud;
And but for fear it is not so,
The wild unrest that lives in woe
Would dote and pore on yonder cloud

That rises upward always higher,
And onward drags a labouring breast,
And topples round the dreary west,
A looming bastion fringed with fire.

More Poetry Friday with Robyn Hood Black at Read, Write, Howl.


  1. A beautiful photograph to accompany the poem, Doraine - and sending you hugs and wishes for blessings for you and yours.

  2. I'm sorry for your grey week and wish you peace as you journey through these family matters. Poetry helps, doesn't it? xo

  3. Dear Doraine,

    Bless you as you go through this difficult part of love and loving.


  4. Sorry to hear of the rough week, yet you found time to share this lovely poem. The "winds do rise and roar" in our lives.

  5. Hi Dori--I hope it's OK to post my links here for your Dec 23 PF host. I'm out the door early in the morning and am afraid I might not have time to do it then!

    I'm in with some haiku from Won Ton: A Cat Tale Told in Haiku, by Lee Wardlaw. That's at (or will be at 5:30 a.m.)

    And I have 15 Words or Less Poems (everybody's welcome to come play) at

    Thanks for hosting, Dori! Hope your December has gotten better!
