Thursday, November 8, 2012

An Early Poetry Friday

I will be on Jeckyl Island this weekend presenting at the Georgia Literary Festival. I am so excited to hear keynote speaker Natasha Tretheway, current Poet Laureate.

Other Southern Breezers on the docket for the children's part of the program include the effervescent Gail Karwoski and the always inspiring Lola Schaefer. I can't wait to see them. Also on the program are children's authors Danny Schnitzlein (The Monster Who Ate My Peas), Jane Wood, and Pamela Bauer Mueller. I have not met them, but I know they are awesome from their books.

I'll let you know more about the weekend when I return. In the meantime, Ed DeCaria will enthrall you with his rendition of Poetry Friday at Think Kid, Think!

by Natasha Tretheway

All day I've listened to the industry
of a single woodpecker, worrying the catalpa tree
just outside my window. Hard at his task,

his body is a hinge, a door knocker
to the cluttered house of memory in which
I can almost see my mother's face.

She is there, again, beyond the tree,
its slender pods and heart-shaped leaves,
hanging wet sheets on the line -- each one

a thin white screen between us. So insistent
is this woodpecker, I'm sure
he must be looking for something else -- not simply

the beetles and grubs inside,

Read the rest here (scroll to the bottom of the page).


  1. It will be a wonderful weekend for sure, Dori. All those poets, words floating... I love birds, so this poem is wonderful to me, & to connect it to one's mother in a memory, lovely. Happy travels.

  2. Lovely poem. Lucky you getting to hear Natasha in person. Can't wait for your report :).
