Wednesday, February 5, 2014


I've been playing with poetry forms the last few weeks. A nonet has nine lines. The first line has nine syllables with each subsequent line decreasing by one syllable until the final line contains only one.

File:Spring tree Victoria cloudy day.jpg

Nonet at Dawn

I awake to cloudy skies and wish
to stay swaddled in night-warm sheets
that coddle my lethargy,
keep me slip-sliding in
and out of waking
dreams that flee
the filtered
light of

© Doraine Bennett


  1. really nice I remember teaching Haiku to my third graders a long time ago...this Nonet is nice.

  2. This will be interesting to try, Dori. I love that "slip-sliding in/and out of waking"

  3. This is a new form for me, Dori. I love all of the wordplay you have going on -- cloudy and coddle and swaddle.

  4. Oh my goodness, I love this! Thanks so much for sharing this beautiful poem and for introducing me to a new form. Looking forward to giving it a try!
