Friday, July 24, 2015

Summer Lets Down Her Hair

Summer Lets Down Her Hair

by F. Scott Fitzgerald

Here, Earth-born, over the lilt of the water,
Lisping its music and bearing a burden of light,
Bosoming day as a laughing and radiant daughter...
Here we may whisper unheard, unafraid of the night.
Walking alone ... was it splendor, or what, we were bound with?
Deep in the time when summer lets down her hair?
Shadows we loved and the patterns they covered the ground with
Tapestries, mystical, faint in the breathless air.

Summer has let down her hair at my house. July has been a month of pause, like the small delay at the end of a long slow inhale before your breath naturally turns around and rises to the chest. I've taken time in this pause to look back over the last six months and simmer in the juices of intention. Resolution was my one little word for the year. Am I moving toward resolution as I had hoped? I like making this little evaluation before fall whisks me into a swirl of activity. I want a few more slow, easy breaths before I move on. 

Wishing you the lilt of water, radiant dreams, and the chance to be unafraid as you move forward into whatever lies ahead. Take a deep breath and visit Margaret at Reflections on the Teche for today's Roundup. 


  1. Hi Dori, thank you for the wishes. I have retired and won't be returning to my school except to visit my granddaughter's class sometimes. I am moving forward, have a few plans, but it is unknown territory for sure. I love "Bosoming day as a laughing and radiant daughter." Summer fills us up until we turn and it is gone, or going. Best to you too!

    1. Linda, I know you are going to enjoy this new season. Can't wait to hear how it unfolds.

  2. I love those last two lines...and your photo!

  3. Your photo and the poem invite me to stay with summer a little longer, slow and wandering.

  4. "I've taken time in this pause to look back over the last six months and simmer in the juices of intention."

    Yes. :) Wishing you all the same lovelies that you wished us. :)

  5. Thank you, Doraine - you always offer such peaceful gifts. July does seem a natural time to pause and take a breath. Wishing you an inspiring rest of the summer!

  6. Slow, easy breaths are good! Thank you for this reminder to pause... xo

  7. What a lovely reminder to slow down and savor these days when "summer lets down her hair." Hope you enjoy your days before that whirlwind returns!
