Monday, June 20, 2011

Summer Reads: Too Many Books at Once

Today I'm wondering just how many books a person can read at one time without feeling totally schizophrenic. Here's my list.

1. Inkheart by Cornelia Funke is in the car. Audio format red by Lynn Redgrave in her stunning voice. It's so intriguing I keep wanting to go somewhere just so I can listen. I know I'm behind times on this one. I didn't even realize there was a movie. I am looking forward to seeing who played all the dark characters. Will watch when I'm done reading.

2. White Darkness by Geraldine Mccaughrean is on the table beside my bed along with my new word journal, started as a result of the weekend poetry retreat with Rebecca Kai Dotlich. I'm reading slowly, making notes in the margins and recording some of the words that taste good on my tongue.

3. I went to the library on Friday to pick up a requested book, InZanesville by Jo Ann Beard. It's setting is 1971, the same year I graduated from high school and the setting of my own middle-grade novel. But I haven't started that one so it doesn't really count yet. While at the library I picked up a copy of What I Saw and How I Lied by Judy Blundell, again to pay attention to how the author incorporates a very distinct time period in American history. It was storming outside, so I sat down and started reading. An hour later, I was completely hooked and brought it home nearly half read. Couldn't sleep that night so I got up and finished it in the wee hours. That's what happens when you're reading too many books at once. So now I can replace What I Saw with Inzanesville in my list.

4. Research book in my office is a compelling read featuring letters from the 1700s. Until Death Do Us Part: The Letters and Travels of Anna and Vitus Bering by Peter Ulf Moller and Natasha Okhotina Lind.

5. Beside my chair in the den is Heaven's Calling: A Memoir of One Soul's Steep Ascent by Leanne Payne, another one to be read slowly and savored.

6. In the basket in the bathroom is Miracle at St. Anna by James McBride about buffalo soldiers in Italy in World War II. Another movie to watch once I finish reading the book.

And then there's the stack I haven't gotten to yet. Sigh.


  1. What a wonderful variety you're reading! I'm starting White Darkness tonight. We'll have to compare notes after Ash's glowing recommendation!

  2. I would enjoy comparing notes with you, Irene. I'm trying to pay close attention to the way she creates this introverted main character. Watching the techniques she uses. We definitely need to talk afterwards.
