Friday, August 31, 2012

Saying Goodbye

My house is strewn with toys. My energy is no match for the two little ones that have filled the rooms with noise this week. We've read books, watched Sheriff Woody and Buzz Lightyear multiple times, done puzzles, played Operation, and fed the ducks. Today my son and wife and their two sweet children board a plane for Nigeria where they will serve as house parents for a new school, Bethel American International School, opening just north of Fiditi. It's about three hours drive from Lagos on the coast.

In the last four months, they have sold, packed, or given away most of their household goods. They are traveling with nine suitcases and six carry-ons, plus children and car-seats! We've had a sweet visit. I'll miss them, but they are so excited about being there. It's such a great fit for them. You can see their story here.

Sylvia Vardell is hosting Poetry Friday this week at Poetry for Children. Stop by and enjoy the poetic offerings. In the meantime, I'm headed to the airport.

Taking Off
by Mary McB. Green

The airplane taxis down the field
And heads into the breeze,
It lifts its wheels above the ground,
It skims above the trees,
It rises high and higher
Away up toward the sun,
It's just a speck against the sky
--And now it's gone!


  1. What an amazing mission your son and his family have taken on! Good luck and Godspeed...

  2. What an adventure they have chosen, Dori. I imagine you will miss them very much, but are so proud too. Safe travels for your son & family. Those grandchildren are very cute! And the poem is just right.

  3. How exciting, Doraine, and yes, bittersweet! Thank goodness the internet makes keeping in touch so much easier... what a great experience for growing kids. I look forwrad to more posts about their adventures!

  4. Wow. I admire your family and wish them and you all the best in traveling and adventure and love.

  5. What beautiful grandkids! Hope you'll keep us posted about their wonderful mission. Glad you had such a good visit with them before they took off.

  6. Wow, a real adventure for your family. I'm told there's nothing quite the same as living in another country, far away from all that's familiar. It reconnects people, it bonds people, it increases one's resiliancy and opens your eyes and heart to the world. Wishing them safe journey and many joyful experiences. Thank goodness for Internet and Skype, right?!

  7. This brought tears to my eyes, since I've been in both the position of the grandkid leaving and of the mother of the grandkids, taking them away. Your support is wonderful (and we've had the same from my parents, as they did from theirs). It's just so hard to say goodbye.

  8. Oh wow, what a beautiful tribute to your son and his family. It's going to be an amazing journey for them. And yes, I agree with all the comments shared, truly bittersweet, goodbyes such as these. It's good though that modern technology has made things way easier now than it had been several years back.

  9. Prayers lifted for their amazing, selfless journey! Can't wait to hear more!

  10. Best wishes in their new venture! How fabulous that they are setting off to do great good in the world!
