Monday, October 15, 2012

Bathroom Reading

I was avoiding the chores that needed to be done this morning by scrolling through old blog posts by some friends I enjoy reading. I stumbled upon this bit from an interview Irene Latham posted with poet Barry Marks. 

What do you read in the bathroom?
Magazines: Esquire, Rolling Stone, Smithsonian, etc


I suppose it caught my attention because one of the chores I did just manage to complete was cleaning out my bathroom reading bucket. I threw out 2011 catalogs from Boyds Mills Press, Charlesbridge, and Peachtree Publishing. I filed 2011 to 2012 copies of SCBWI Newsletter.

My Chevrolet green fifties bathroom and my reading bucket. 
I left in about two years worth of the Chrildren's Writer Marketplace, the latest copy of the SCBWI Newsletter, 2012 catalogs from Sleeping Bear, Pelican, and Charlesbridge, one copy of the Birmingham Arts Journal, a small volume of the Gospel of John, and Letters to a Young Poet by Ranier Rilke that I bought when I was in Portland visiting my daughter. 

Okay, back to the must-get-done list before I head to Albany tomorrow. 

1 comment:

  1. You could definitely enjoy reading while taking a good soak in one of those 5 foot bathtubs out there.
