Tuesday, May 6, 2014

My New Office Space

Three partial weeks of traveling with only a few days home in between has me craving quiet. Hubs put the finishing touches on our new sunroom while I was gone and moved some furniture in. I love watching squirrels race around oak trunks and chipunks scrounging through the pinestraw. Yesterday I watched the the blue heron who comes regularly swoop in, pick his way over the rocks in the creek, then lift himself up and soar down the channel of air above the creek.

I've started moving my writing paraphernalia to the new sunroom. I bought a library chair with a swinging arm table last fall when I was at the Georgia librarians' conference.  One of my fellow vendors agreed to sell me his demo model for a good price. And I've jerry-rigged myself a standing desk, so that I can move from chair to table often. It's not good for writers to sit in one position for too long. Such a hard fact to make peace with! I don't know about you, but sometimes I get so intent on what I'm doing, I can look up and realize I've been in the same position for hours. It has taken a lot of discipline and some creativity to get myself a little more mobile. Achy backs, stiff necks, and headaches are not a pleasant alternative.

I'm taking Renee La Tulippe's Lyrical Language Lab online class the month of May. It's a great class! Here is my first poem from the lesson on iambs. No title yet. Suggestions?

We all release our strings at once.
Balloons rise from the crowd.
They turn to yummy lollipops
for children made of cloud.


  1. Yay for your new office space! I have rigged myself a Writing Bike... still sitting, but at least leg movement! Will share pics soon. How 'bout "Sky Party" for your poem?? Makes me think of a birthday party. :)

    1. Sky Party is perfect! Thanks, Irene. Your Writing Bike sounds cool. I want to see.

  2. I agree. A comfortable chair is a must-have for writers, because when inspiration strikes, you wouldn't want to be distracted from what you're writing by an awkward, clunky chair. Anyway, I’m glad that you found your library chair last fall. Now you can enjoy writing without worrying about back pains afterwards.

    Albert Andrews @ Pharaoh Manufacturing

  3. Your workplace looks very peaceful. I like its placement, the view is refreshing, and can give a serene atmosphere to work in. I also like the idea of having minimal load of supplies on your table, as it makes the area neater. Thanks for sharing this with us, Doraine. Have a great day!

    Maggie Grant @ TheFindConsignmentB.Springs

  4. A comfortable chair and a decent view outside are absolute must-haves for any writer. Since acquiring both, I've noticed that the quality of my own literary endeavours have improved to a really quite surprising extent. I must say that you're incredibly fortunate to have such scenic surroundings - I have to settle for a somewhat dull city landscape!

    Nicholas Taylor @ Vancouver Business Brokers
