Friday, April 17, 2015

It's Friday!

Oh, dear. I completely forgot it was Friday. Yep. It's been that kind of week.

So I'm scraping up a few lines from a poem I've been working on this week. I'm still tweaking, but I could be tweaking from now to the next time I sail to Antarctica.


Stop by Life on the Deckle Edge where Robyn is hosting the Roundup.

Sinking Ship

Decks heave
timbers scream
bolts break
steel buckles 
hold fills 
planks splinter 

She quivers in pain, 
retches, jerks, 
gasps like a dying beast. 

Those who love her 
curse the ice,
stand nearby and grieve.

© Doraine Bennett, 2015


  1. Powerful and touching, Dori! Great internal rhyme.

  2. Glad you are still immersed in these icy explorer poems - and that you're writing them while safe and dry inside! The ship does come to life here, in her dying moments.
