Thursday, May 14, 2015

Find Royalty Free Photos

Davy Jones' Door-Bell
By Vachel Linsday

A Chant for Boys with Manly Voices
(Every line sung one step deeper than the line preceding)

Any sky-bird sings,
Ring, ring!
Any church-chime rings,
Dong ding!
Any cannon says,
Boom bang!
Any whirlwind says,
Whing whang!
The bell-buoy hums and roars,
Ding dong!
And way down deep,
Where fishes throng,
By Davy Jones' big deep sea door,
Shaking the ocean's flowery floor,
His door-bell booms
Dong dong,
Dong dong,
Deep, deep down,
Clang boom,
Boom dong.

You're looking for the perfect photo for your blog. Or you need an image to get your creative juices running, but then you want to post the picture with the poem you wrote. You can search Google Images, but you may not always find attribution information or usage rights. Here is my list of go to photo research sites. 

• MorgueFile Access to iStock, Getty, Fotolia, and some other paid photos, but plenty of free ones in the morguefile.

• Pixabay  First row of photos are Shutterstock, but after that all are royalty free.

• Unsplash Subscribe for 10 photos every 10 days.

• Foter  Using the embed code automatically inserts attribution information.

• StockVault  Shutterstock photos in the black boxes, but lots of free photos.

PhotoPin -  Shutterstock will pop up first, but this site searches creative commons photos. 

Death to the Stock Photos - Sign up with email, delivered monthly.

PicJumbo - You can pay for the plugin, but lots of free images.

CompFight - Searches Flickr photos and provides embed code for attribution.

Gratisography Some wacky photos here, all free. Something will surely grab your eye here.

FreeImages Must set up a free account to download images. 

• Little Visuals Beautiful images captured by a young man who recently died. Option to donate to Hands on Heart Charity.

I hope this is a helpful list!

Diane hosts the roundup today at Random Noodling. Lots more poetry for your weekend. 


  1. I wish we could hear that chant being sung. It looks like it would be impressively dramatic. Amazing list, Dori!! Thanks :-)

  2. With every line sung "one step deeper," I imagine you'd have to start as a falsetto to complete the poem. As Tabatha suggested, it would be impressively dramatic and loads of fun! I appreciate the links, Dori, I use photos a lot!

  3. I did look for a recording, but no luck! I would love to hear it, too.

  4. Hilarious hearing those boy voices in my head! I only know The Bat Poet.

    Thank you for the array of photo sources...I could spend days... : - )

  5. This is a great poem and not sure I could do this poem justice reading it aloud...give it to a bunch of boy scouts to chant around a campfire!
