Sunday, April 3, 2016

Progressive Poem 2016

One of my favorite National Poetry Month traditions is the Progressive Poem that weaves its way through the Kidlitosphere. It's the brain child of Irene Latham at Live Your Poem, but each of us who contributes a line considers it our own corporate pot luck poem. And just like a pot luck progressive dinner, you never know what you're going to get. 

Here is the poem so far with my line added. Read the next delicious line from Diane at Random Noodling

                A squall of hawk wings stirs the sky
                A hummingbird holds and then hies

A nature poem needs a person to be present, observe, daydream, imagine. So...

                A squall of hawk wings stirs the sky
                A hummingbird holds and then hies         
                If I could fly, I'd choose to be

And I pass this along to Diane for the choosing!

Follow along with us on the journey. 

1  Laura at
2  Joy at Joy
3  Doraine at
4  Diane at
5  Penny at A
Penny and Her Jots
6  Carol at
7  Liz at
8  Janet F.
9  Margaret
on the Teche
10 Pat at
11  Buffy at
12  Michelle
13  Linda at
14  Jone at
15  Matt at
16  Violet at
17  Kim at
18  Irene at
19  Charles
20  Ruth at
is No Such Thing as a Godforsaken Town
21  Jan at
22  Robyn at
23  Ramona at
the Page
24  Amy at
25  Mark at
26  Renee at
27  Mary Lee
28  Heidi at
29  Sheila at

30  Donna at


  1. Wonderful transitional line, Doraine– can't wait to see what's behind curtain #4!

  2. Your line leaves so much for imagination to wonder about. Next line in the waiting. The anticipation mounts.

  3. A perfect bridge line.
    So much wondering I have, about the next flight...

  4. Turning on a new path already! Terrific, Doraine.

  5. Wonderful! Now we have a speaker.... thank you for this wide-open line, Doraine! xo

  6. I've opened much room for imagination and journey.

  7. Ooooh, I like this! Now it's personal:>)

  8. Excellent transition, Dori -- and what a gift for Diane! I wonder where you'll both take us...

  9. I missed my Internet travels on Sunday, so I'm here today. I don't want to see #4 yet...I'll be there in a minute!
    I like how we are taken to the person to think about the birds they've just seen...more animals, more thoughts about birds...something entirely different? What to do, what to do... onward!

  10. I'm playing catch-up, too - love your line, Doraine, a perfect toss to the rest of the poem! XO

  11. Ooooh....I am late on catch-up right now. And I like this. Wish I were next! But what would I say? xx

  12. Hi,Dori--I"m so intrigued by your Feet in the Creek project, but as you can see I'm way behind in following the Progressive Poem, so I can only comment on that: so many people dream of flying...this take us in a direction full of options!
