Friday, August 5, 2016

My Poetry Door

This is the poetry door in my office. That's my oldest grandson on the calendar. Sweet boy! While the door doesn't go anywhere special (a closet filled with odd jackets and dresses and random office supplies), I love to stand in front of it and let a word or a phrase or an image draw me beyond what I see to that deeper place where my spirit responds to Beauty.

The yellow strip on the left came from a poetry friend earlier this spring. It's called "Introductions" by Susan Glassmaker. You can read the poem here.

The Hagar the Horrible cartoon came from my husband. (Frame 1 - Hagar's wife: Men may work from sun to sun, but women's work is never done!  Frame 2 - Hagar takes a swig from his mug.  Frame 3 - Hagar: And yet you have time for poetry!)

At the top right is my winter swap poem from Tabatha Yeatts.

Bottom left is my summer swap poem from Margaret Simon.

The most recent addition, my second summer swap poem at the top comes from one of my dearest poetry friends, Irene Latham. I love the daring, adventurous spirit that resides under that quiet, unassuming exterior! And of course I love her poetry. We had a discussion this spring about nonets. I gravitate toward counted syllable poetry, (perhaps its the puzzle aspect of it) and had been writing nonets from the top down (line 1 - one syllable, line nine - nine syllables). I must have known most websites referred to them beginning with nine syllables and working down, because I posted one like that here.  I have no idea why I tried the reverse, but I found that I liked it, as you can see here.

It was fun to read Irene's poetry swap poem for me, a nonet beginning with one syllable and counting down. Her note said she's still not sold on the one syllable beginning, but her poem was perfect.

Nonet for the Journey
for Doraine

Though storms may shake
dreams from the rafters,
fly with the precision
of cottonwood fluff in spring.
touch down for a moment, a year,
two hundred years. Love the imperfect world.

© 2016 Irene Latham

And you were right, Irene, it IS pronounced

  1. a group of nine people or things, especially musicians.
    • a musical composition for nine voices or instruments.


      A nonet has nine lines. The first line has nine syllables, the second line eight syllables, the third line seven syllables, etc... until line nine finishes with one syllable. It can be on any subject and rhyming is optional.

      line 1 - 9 syllables
      line 2 - 8 syllables
      line 3 - 7 syllables
      line 4 - 6 syllables
      line 5 - 5 syllables
      line 6 - 4 syllables
      line 7 - 3 syllables
      line 8 - 2 syllables
      line 9 - 1 syllables
      Tara hosts the round up today at A Teaching Life.


  1. I like it flipped. More like an etheree that way. Lovely nonets, all. I love touching down for a moment at each post of Poetry Friday, a traveller collecting thoughts, words, inspiration and dragons.

    1. I like that image, Brenda, of the traveller touching down.

  2. The idea of flying with "the precision of cottonwood fluff" is awesome. Just imagine! How wonderful to receive this poem from Irene, and the talk of this kind of journey makes it magical.

  3. Your husband is so cheeky! :) And your grandson is handsome. And I too love that cottonwood fluff! (I don't actually know what it is - but I love the sound of it, and I can create my own picture from that. :P)

    1. Thanks, Kat! Take a look.

  4. Hmm...I think I may have to try writing some nonets -- top-down and bottom-up. I love Irene's, especially "fly with the precision
    of cottonwood fluff in spring." HA!

  5. Exquisite poem from Irene! Thanks for explaining the intricacies of nonets. Your door is so fun, Dori! A good mix.

    1. Irene's poetry is always exquisite and I do love this one.

  6. Exquisite poem from Irene! Thanks for explaining the intricacies of nonets. Your door is so fun, Dori! A good mix.

  7. Rules are meant to be broken! Whatever works, right? And this one does. I especially love the lines "Though storms may shake/dreams from the rafters." Lovely!

  8. Always love Irene's exquisite writing, as well as your own and your thoughts on writing and life! Great door, and it's so neat (compared to my cottonwood fluff approach to office organization). Love you both - thanks for sharing.

  9. Dear Doraine, what an honor to share space with your handsome grandson and Hagar and Margaret and Tabatha! Thanks for pushing me to write something different (and more disciplined). :) I love sharing the journey with you! xo
