Thursday, April 21, 2016

Robyn Hood Black

"Imitation is not just the sincerest form of flattery - it's the sincerest 
form of learning."— George Bernard Shaw

Welcome to Day 21 of FEET IN THE CREEK.

Week 3 Poets:
April 15: Myra Cohn Livingston
April 16: Mary Ann Doberman
April 17: Christina Rosetti
April 18: Rebecca Kai Doltish
April 19: Wallace Stevens
For each day I have chosen a favorite poem, a favorite poet, or a favorite friend. I will look at the work, decide what draws me to it, what makes it resonate for me, and then write my own poem about the creek with those techniques in mind. These are first drafts, so nothing will be especially polished, but they will be starting points for revision after the month is done. Feel free to follow along or join in.

Today's poet is Robyn Hood Black. One of Robyn's poems is included in Lee Bennett Hopkins' collection for babies and toddlers, Lullaby and Kisses Sweet, published by Abrams. You can read her interview with Lee here! Shop in her artsyletters etsy shop for literary art with a vintage vibe. And she will be serving as 2016 Southeastern Regional Coordinator for the Haiku Society of America.

This haiku by Robyn Hood Black was published in "Frogpond" Volume 35:3, Autumn 2012.

gathering dusk
the unanswered call
of a dove

©2012, Robyn Hood Black. All rights reserved. Used by permission of author.

My Intention: Write a haiku about the creek. (Haiku make(s?) me sweat. I always feel like there is something I am missing! Robyn has taught me that my syllable count doesn't have to be an exact 5/7/5.)

summer moon
the raucous midnight call
of cricket song

© Doraine Bennett, 2016. All rights reserved. 

Week 1 poets:
April 1: Ralph Fletcher
April 2: Douglas Florian
April 3: Progressive poem. Catch up here.
April 4: Michelle Heidenrich Barnes
April 5: Walt Whitman
April 6: Irene Latham
April 7: Carmen Bernos de Gasztold

Week 2 poets:
April 8: Janet Wong
April 9: George Ella Lyon
April 10: Bobbi Katz
April 11: Nikki Giovanni
April 12: Margarita Engle
April 13: Mother Goose
April 14: William Carlos Williams


  1. Hi, Doraine - so honored to be on your blog today! Thank you.

    Nice work on your poem; those summery crickets can definitely sound raucous. Happy Poetry Month!

  2. Thanks for all your poetic learning that you share so freely, my friend.

  3. Thanks for the haiku inspiration to keep trying! Both these will fit beautifully in my pocket today!☺️

  4. Happy Poem-in-Your-Pocket Day, Linda! :0) I'm sure you brightened many days while volunteering today.
