Thanks to Irene Latham over at
Live Your Poem for nominating DoriReads for a Sunshine Award! There is something very special in knowing that you have made someone smile. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy, like sunshine on warm day.
These are the rules, but you can change them if you want:
1. Acknowledge the nominating bloggers
2. Share 11 random facts about yourself
3. Answer the 11 questions the nominating blogger creates for you
4. List 11 bloggers
5. Post 11 questions for the bloggers you nominate to answer and let all the bloggers know they've been nominated. (You cannot nominate the blogger who nominated you.)
11 Random Facts:
I love to swim, but never learned to breathe. I do a reasonably good back stroke. I love peanut butter. My daddy called me Doodle. My dad-in-law calls me Charlie. I hate being cold. Not a pet person. Hate to shop. I still love getting old-fashioned letters in the mail. Twitter makes me nervous (must get over that). I love pottery dishware.
11 Questions from Irene:
1. Favorite food to bring to a potluck event?
Cheese and crackers, or something else I don't have to cook.
2. What do you do to relieve stress?
Swim. Pray. Walk. Stretch. Breathe.
3. Favorite quote?
"Surprise me, Lord, as a seed surprises itself..." George Herbert
4. What is the story behind your name?
My parents were listening to a mystery program on the radio in their car. Apparently one of the characters was called, Doraine. My dad said, "That's going to be my little girl's name." My mother added Pamela before it, but my dad insisted I be called by my middle name.
5. Chore you abhor?
House cleaning. All of it.
6. Cinderella or Snow White?
Snow White, ever since about second grade when there was a story in our reader about Snow White and Rose Red.
7. Do you plan blog posts ahead of time, or real-time posts only?
Some of both. Would love to be more of a plan ahead type blogger, but I keep forgetting to plan ahead.
8. Other social media you enjoy?
I keep up with my scattered children (Texas, Oregon, Nigeria, Mississippi) on Facebook.
9. Introverted or extroverted?
Need you ask? Introverted!
10. Title of the last book you gave as a gift?
I give 2 books to each of my grandchildren on their birthday. (I have 8 now, so that's a lot of books.) I read them onto my computer (Audacity) and record them on CD to go with the books. The grands are far away (Texas and Nigeria), so they have my voice. Samuel is 3 this week. His books are
Little Bit of Winter by Paul Stewart and Chris Riddell and
Little Owl's Night by Divya Srinivasan. Just got them in the mail today!
11. Happiness is a steaming cup of tea and the company of friend.
Passing the sunshine on to these bloggers:
Violet at
Violet Nesdoly/poems
Sarah at her
11 Questions:
1. Where do you wish you could go?
2. Favorite quote?
3. Do you listen to music when you write? If so, what kind?
4. Last good movie you saw?
5. Best thing your mother taught you?
6. Favorite book you read in high school?
7. What do you do first thing in the morning?
8. When you're in a crowd, do you find a corner or work the room?
9. Something you like to cook/bake?
10. Beach or mountains?
11. What makes you smile?
Thanks again for the sunshine, Irene.