After this guy sat down beside me yesterday, bug poems were on my mind today! I'm still not sure what he is, but his camouflage makes him look like a pine cone bract.
Photo: Fir0002/Flagstaffotos |
The Insects' World
by Ethel Jacobson
Insects are creatures with three pairs of legs,
Some swim, some fly; they lay millions of eggs.
They don't wear their skeletons in, but out.
They come in three parts. Some are bare; some have hair.
Their hearts are in back; they circulate air.
They smell with their feelers and taste with their feet,
And there's scarcely a thing that some insect won't eat:
Flowers and woodwork and books and rugs,
Overcoats, people, and other bugs.
When five billion trillion keep munching each day,
It's a wonder the world isn't nibbled away!
by Ogden Nash
And others feed on carrion.
Between them they devour the earth.
Bugs are totalitarian.
What Do You Suppose?
What do you suppose?
A bee sat on my nose.
Then what do you think?
He gave me a wink,
And said, ‘I beg your pardon,